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LEAP – Learning from Experience As Printmakers

CLICK HERE to view over 15 free nature printing how-to videos by our members.  

Check out our three longer how-to videos– if you’re a member, they are now free.  Email the NPS treasurer to request the passwords and watch the videos in your own time.

Botanical Bas Relief Tiles Workshop with Sue Fierston

This 2.5 hour workshop is the first in our series of live and recorded workshops taught by NPS members.
Cast leaves, branches, seashells and flowers in dental plaster or Hydrocal concrete. Learn how to finish your tiles using metallic powders and watercolor. With the password, you’ll receive a supply list and you can get started casting your own tiles at any season.

Gelli Plate Workshop with Bee Shay (parts 1 and 2, 2 + hours each)

In Part 1 of this two-part workshop, Bee Shay demonstrates Gelli plate printing using dried or fresh leaves, a Gelli brand gel plate and acrylic paints.

After you learn the basic techniques of printing with Gelli plates, head over to Part II where Bee demonstrates how to use and combine prints including how to make books, collages and cards. You’ll learn how to crop prints and make a custom envelope template, too.

As part of the class you will receive a list of suppliers, and remember the Avery brand glue stick is the best!

Pretend You Are the Wind: Printmaking with a press with Lynda Goldberg
In this awesome 90 minute demo, Lynda creates several prints using her professional press and passes along her tips and tricks for making great prints. Her advice applies to the making of any print, including gelli plates or a hand press, because she describes her creative thought process and design choices.
Lynda’s basic materials include: plexiglas plates approximately 8 x 12 inches, Caligo water soluble inks, Arnhem paper, dried or fresh flat plants and…eggshells! As she says in the video, gelli plates are an easy substitute for her plexiglas plate and press set up.

If you’re not an NPS member, and you’d like to watch these videos, click “Buy Now” below. The NPS treasurer will send you a password, supply list, and instructor contact info.

Botanical Bas Relief Tiles Workshop with Sue Fierston (2.5 hours)

$40 LEAP Class – Recorded 2+ hour Zoom class.


Gelli Plate Workshop with Bee Shay (parts 1 and 2, two + hours each)

$40 LEAP Class – Recorded 2+ hour Zoom class.


Pretend You Are the Wind: Printmaking with a press with Lynda Goldberg

$25 LEAP recorded demonstration for non-members – Recorded Zoom demo 1.5 hours.


LEAP LIVE, our series of live interviews and recorded classes, began in 2021…the NPS website is under construction and all videos will be transferred to this page by the end of 2025.
But here are the first live interviews: Click on the video number to watch.

VIDEO ONE:  Chris Dewees and Sue Fierston speak for an hour as Chris describes the early days of NPS, his gyotaku process, the Smithsonian SITES traveling show, NPS friends and the publication of his two books. Filmed live over Zoom.


VIDEO TWO:  Dwight Hwang and Sue talk about his classic gyotaku printing process using sumi ink and his background as an animator in Japan. 60 minutes, filmed live.




VIDEO THREE:  Arlene Bandes.  Wow! Arlene takes us through her three main methods of printing without a press: reduction printing with styrofoam plates, gel plates, and Xerox transfer of photographs. Over 35 members attended this 90 minute talk with Sue in January 2022.


VIDEO FOUR: Elena Court describes her Asian methods of printing glacially polished boulders in Yosemite National Park in the 1970s and 1980s. Her abstract prints measure up to 3′ by 6′ and are unique for both their size and artistic method, based on Asian landscape art and calligraphy. Filmed September 2021 with Sue, 50 minutes.

VIDEO FIVE: Speaking from Mexico, Heather Fortner describes her methods of printing leaves and gyotaku aboard ship during her career in the merchant marine during the 1970s. She takes us from Florida to Oregon to Mexico on her travels, setting up a distinctive art studio in each location, teaching classes, always staying in touch with NPS friends. Filmed live in June 2021 with Sue, 60 minutes.

VIDEO INTERVIEW: Sonja Larsen takes us back to the beginnings of NPS and her study of fish and plant printing.  Images from Nature 2022 was filmed by the Crossing Arts Alliance in Brainerd, Minnesota, 10 minutes.


VIDEO INTERVIEW: Hebe Bartz spoke to the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History in 2019. Wearing one of her trademark solar printed vests, Hebe talks about early days at the museum as well as her love for the natural world and NPS. 5 minutes.




The Art Of Printing From Nature: A Guidebook, 40th Anniversary Edition

Our printing guide, “The Art Of Printing From Nature: A Guidebook, 40th Anniversary Edition” is the most comprehensive book on nature printing methods available: 132 pages of techniques, instruction, artwork, and inspiration, including over 400 color photographs.

20+ NPS members, all experts in their technique, have written 35 chapters that cover beginning and advanced gyotaku (fish printing), botanical printing, printing on cloth and fabric, eco-dyeing, color theory, cyanotype, card making, printing with sumi ink, mushroom spore prints — even printing spider webs!

  • Membership in NPS includes our beautiful quarterly newsletter as well as the opportunity to attend our annual week-long conference held each year in a different location. A sample copy of our newsletter is available here.
  • Browse our website to learn more about the history of nature printing, the work of our members, and upcoming nature printing events.

To purchase “THE ART OF PRINTING FROM NATURE”, click here.